Soccer Car Magnets for Fundraising
Custom Soccer Car Magnets
Soccer Car Magnets for Fundraising
Yeah, we do that. We make fundraising car magnets for every conceivable sport, and youth soccer is at the top of the list.
I’m not sure of the official statistics, but soccer might just be the most participated youth sport in America (feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong!). But based on the orders we get from soccer clubs, they sure buy more magnets. Maybe the parents are just more engaged in soccer programs than the parents of other sports.
Full Disclosure… Youth Baseball is a very close second.
Car magnets achieve several goals, but the two most important are fundraising and awareness.
Fundraising: We have several Youth Soccer Leagues that buy 1,000 magnets each season, and they sell them for about $6 each. Since our fully customized car magnets only cost $1.10 each at that quantity, selling them for $6 each means a profit of $4,825.00 for the league. I don’t think any parent would say “no” when asked to show their support and buy a magnet. In fact, most families will buy a magnet for each car in their family. That’s almost $5,000 going into your General Fund to be used for equipment, travel, etc.
Awareness: OK, this one’s for the kids. Once that magnets shows up on hundreds of cars in town, your young soccer players are going to feel like rock-stars! They are going to get a major-league sense of accomplishment and the entire community will know who the local soccer league is, even if they don’t buy a magnet.
Here’s a warning… your kids are just as picky as you are, and they do not want a poorly designed magnet. I’m not sure who trains the magnet designers at some of the other car magnet companies, but just look at the magnets shown on their websites. “Childish” and “Cartoonish” are two thoughts that come to mind. Your young soccer stars have a more mature vision of their soccer league and want their magnets to look like something a professional soccer team would design. Our artists are the absolute best in this industry, and our designs speak for themselves.
Looking for more info? Just visit our website at and get all the car magnet knowledge you can handle.
Are you ready to start making money for your soccer team? Just give us a call at 760-743-6340 and we’ll do all of the design-work for free!