Fundraising Car Magnets for Your School


Custom Car Magnets for School Fundraising
Car Magnets for Your School

Want to make a difference? Your PTA or PTO needs to run several fundraisers each year in order to meet the monetary goals that you set for yourself.

There seem to be an endless number of fundraising opportunities out there, and you are limited only by your finite time frame. You still have time to run 5 to 10 fundraisers during the school year.

A lot of planning goes into choosing which fundraisers you conduct, and when. The new PTA/PTO Board is usually elected in May or June and takes over in late June or July. When you consider that classes start in August (early August in many schools), you only have about a month to get your act together and schedule all those fundraisers.

The downside is that most of those fundraisers take a lot of labor and a lot of coordination. Take, for example, “car washes”. Coordinating a car wash takes as much effort as the car wash itself (and that’s a lot of work).

On the other hand, a successful “merchandise” fundraiser can pretty much run itself. With ARC Marketing, getting your custom car magnets designed, printed and delivered to your door is easy (we’ll do all the work). Then you just wait for the parents to come to your PTA/PTO and say they want 2 or 3 magnets for the cars in their family. Ka-ching!

Not only are they easier, car magnet fundraisers are more profitable. Selling a few hundred magnets is easy, and will make more money than 1 or 2 car washes. Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t hold a car wash or two. If you have the man-power to pull that off you should do both. In fact, you will probably hold a dozen different fundraisers during the school year and car magnets should be part of your marketing mix.

Did I mention that our art department will design your car magnet for free? Well, we will. And I mean absolutely free; we never charge for artwork.

Ready to get started? Visit our website at and click on the “Design Your Magnet” button. Then just give us a little info about your school and we’ll take it from there.