Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Sell a Product for a Fundraiser

School Magnets for Fundraising
School Magnets

How to Sell a Product for a Fundraiser

You’re in charge of raising money for your school, the youth group at church, sports team, or any other group, but where do you start? Maybe you’ve decided to sell a product for a fundraiser, such as an awareness car magnet or a custom car magnet.

If you’re still not sure how to sell a product for a fundraiser, use the guide below.

Before the Sale

Before you start selling custom car magnets, you want to get organized. It’s important to get a team of people in your organization to help with the fundraiser. Figure out how you will order the item you plan to sell, what the budget will be, how much you will charge, and other details of your plan.

Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to actually move onto selling your product and raising money for your group.

Get Your Group Ready

Whether you’re raising money for a high school football team or for an entire middle school, you need to assemble your group and get them prepared. They should understand what you’re selling, the benefits of the product, and how to sell it, if they will be helping with the sales.

Provide samples of the product or products you will be selling and speak to the group about how the process will work. Let them know how to accept payment, how to deliver the product, and how to go about selling it. You might even want to have a simple script they can use for selling the product as a fundraiser.

Put Money Management Practices in Place

With some items, your sales team (students, parents, group members, etc.) will collect money as they take orders, and then deliver the product later. Custom car magnets don’t require this step with fundraising, but you will still want to have money management practices in place.

Set up a separate bank account for the fundraiser, if necessary, and decide how you will accept payment. Will you take cash only, credit cards, debit cards, checks, etc.?

You also want to know what to do if a check bounces or if you receive cash payments from your sales team. Make sure you have a plan for dealing with the money and where you plan to deposit it as it comes in.

Set Up Places to Sell

While you might encourage those participating to go door-to-door or speak with family and friends, there are other ways to sell custom car magnets or another product during your fundraiser. You can set up grocery and department stores that will allow you to sell outside of them and send some of your sales team to each location.

It’s also possible to take advantage online with social media. Design a post that everybody can use on Facebook, Twitter, Tic Tok, Instagram, and other social sites. Let them share it on their profile or page with their audience.

With a good social media post, you can drive product sales with the family and friends of all those involved in selling for your group.

You can learn how to sell a product for fundraising with the simple guide above. There are plenty of other things you want to figure out, but this will get you started on the right track.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas
Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Choosing from a List of High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

When you need to raise money for a high school sports team, it’s not always an easy endeavor. There are several high school sports fundraiser ideas to consider.

It doesn’t matter which type of sport you need to raise money for, these fundraising ideas are a great option. Whether you’re raising money for a baseball team, basketball team, softball team, or lacrosse team, these high school sports fundraiser ideas work great.

7 Top High School Sports Fundraiser Ideas

1. Rent out the Team or Athletes for a Day

You can rent out those on your team or the entire team for the say to do chores or any other type of task around the house. This can be a great way to raise money for a high school sports team.

2. Discount Cards

A common option for high school sports teams, discount cars offer a way to raise the money you need. You can find out more about the discount cards fundraiser idea by reading our post about discount cards and custom car magnets.

3. Clinics and Camps

You have skilled players capable of teaching younger athletes your sport. Whether you run a hockey team or a soccer team, holding a clinic or camp is a great fundraiser idea. It can even be paired with a custom car magnet fundraiser. The magnets can be a part of the package or can be sold to the parents to show off their pride for their children participating in an exclusive camp or clinic.

4. Custom Car Magnet Fundraiser

While you can certainly pair a fundraising car magnet with just about any other on this list, you can also run this fundraiser by itself. With the right design, you can easily raise the money you need by selling magnets for a nice profit. Custom car magnets can be sold for a very high profit since they are very low in cost.

5. Fun Runs

A fun run is a great way to get an entire family together for a day of fun and to raise money for your sports team. You can do a 1K walk/run for the kids, a 5K run for most participants, and even a 10K or half-marathon for the serious runners. This can be a good way to raise money and you can couple it with a custom car magnet fundraiser, as well.

6. Sell Prime Parking Spots

While it might not be the only high school fundraiser idea you need, you can sell reserved parking for your prime spots for games and events. Parking passes can be sold to parents and other fans to ensure they get great parking and you get to raise a little money in the process.

7. Restaurant Fundraiser Event

Some restaurants will partner with you and donate a specific amount of the money they make on a certain day or weekend. Then, you can promote the event to fill up the restaurant with your supporters. This is a good way to raise money for your sports team.

There are many ways to raise money for your high school sports team. Use these seven ideas to help you raise money for your sports team this season.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Choosing a Magnet for School Car Magnet Fundraiser

Choosing a Magnet for School Car Magnet Fundraiser
Choosing a Magnet for School Car Magnet Fundraiser

Choosing a Magnet for School Car Magnet Fundraiser

When it’s time to run a school fundraiser, you need to make the right decision. Maybe you’ve already chosen a school car magnet fundraiser and you just need to pick the right magnet.

There are several good custom car magnets to choose from when you’re working on a school fundraiser with car magnets. Let’s look at a few of the top options for your school fundraising needs.

Logo Magnets

A very simple and easy option is custom logo magnets for your school. Simply choose a shape and have your school’s logo printed on the custom car magnets and sell them as a part of your fundraiser.

When you’re trying to choose a magnet for your school car magnet fundraiser, this is an easy option. For most schools, selling a logo magnet is a great idea as it allows parents to show off their pride for the school their children attend.

School Spirit Magnets

Maybe a school logo magnet isn’t your favorite choice. It’s not the only option when you want to run a school car magnet fundraiser. You can also use a school spirit magnet instead of a logo magnet.

This type of custom car magnet will usually include the mascot for your school’s sports programs and the name of the school. However, it can also be a magnet you customize for each group within your school, such as each sports team, the band, the choir, and other organizations.

No matter which way you go, a school spirit magnet is a great choice for your fundraiser. It allows those buying the magnets to show off pride in the school and it might be a cooler looking magnet, depending on your specific mascot.

Awareness Magnets

Another option, which can be very lucrative as a school car magnet fundraiser, is to use an awareness magnet. This type of magnet allows you to partner with another charity and spread awareness while raising money. You can even give a portion of the proceeds to the charity you’re spreading awareness for.

For example, you can partner with a charity trying to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer. Have the magnet designed as an awareness magnet for breast cancer and donate 10% of the total proceeds to the charity you’ve partnered with.

This is a win-win-win for everybody. You get to raise money for your school, while also raising money for an important cause, and spreading awareness for that cause. Plus, with an awareness magnet, your target audience is larger than just those connected to the children attending your school.

When you’re ready to run a school car magnet fundraiser, the hardest decision might be which magnet to choose. These are three of the best options and provide plenty of design flexibility. It really just depends on how your school prefers to raise money and what you think will be the best option for this specific fundraiser.

If you plan to sell custom car magnets at school events, such as sporting events, you might want to consider offering multiple options. This is a great way to get people to buy multiple magnets and to raise even more money for your school.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Top 7 Tips for a Successful Fundraiser

School Magnets for Fundraising
School Magnets for Fundraising

Top 7 Tips for a Successful Fundraiser

Running a fundraiser for your group isn’t easy. Whether you’re new to the idea of running a fundraiser or you just want to make sure it’s successful, you need the right tips. Here are 7 tips for a successful fundraiser.

1. Figure out Your Needs

Before you start looking into the right fundraiser for your group, you need to figure out how much you need to raise. Maybe the new fundraiser will be one of several you run throughout the year. If you know how much money you need to raise, you can start to figure out the right fundraiser for your needs.

2. Set Goals

It’s best to set goals for your fundraiser and you might want to set goals a bit higher than your needs. If you’re trying to raise $4,000, consider setting your goal at $5,000. That way, if you fall a bit short, you’ve still met the need for your group.

3. Choose Good Leaders

Every fundraiser needs leaders. You need someone in charge of the entire thing, along with people to organize and run different areas of your fundraiser. You might want to choose a treasurer to handle the money and a few other leaders to keep things organized and on task.

4. Choose the Right Fundraiser for Your Group

Every group is different and there are several types of fundraisers you can choose from. Some of the most popular fundraisers include:

  • Selling food items
  • Selling custom car magnets
  • Running a Gala event
  • Running a Silent Auction
  • Holding a car wash
  • Organizing a golf outing

Many other fundraisers are also available. Selling custom car magnets is a great option because it’s easy and highly profitable. Choose the right fundraiser for your group and you’ll be better equipped for success.

5. Have a Plan

If you’re going to sell something and the members of your group are going to be your sales force, make sure you include sales training in your plan. A plan is the best way to ensure you run a successful fundraiser. With a good plan, you’ll be better equipped to run a successful fundraiser without as many issues along the way.

6. Check the Tax Laws

You want to make sure you follow the federal, state, and local tax laws for non-profit fundraising. Make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t and check with your accountant or attorney about the specific tax laws you need to cover.

7. Offer Prizes and Incentives

If your fundraiser includes children selling a product, prizes and incentives can be very powerful. Children will go nuts trying to reach certain levels to earn prizes, especially if they fit with what they enjoy.

Even adults can be motivated with the right incentives. If you offer top seller prizes and other prizes for other levels of sales, you will likely be able to increase your overall sales for the fundraiser.

These seven tips will help you run a successful fundraiser. Make sure you have a plan and you choose the leaders wisely.

Fundraising Car Magnets

How to Run a Successful Youth Group Fundraiser

School Magnets

School Magnets

How to Run a Successful Youth Group Fundraiser

Running a successful youth group fundraiser isn’t easy. It can be difficult to generate the necessary sales and create the demand you need.

Motivating your members to sell any products to prospective buyers is key to the success of your fundraiser. Let’s look at a few key tips to help you create a successful youth group fundraiser.

4 Tips for Your Youth Group Fundraiser

1. Choose the right fundraiser

Picking a good fundraiser is the first key to success with a youth group fundraiser. Custom car magnets offer an easy option to raise money. They are easy to sell and offer the ability to display any message you want.

You want to make sure you choose a fundraiser your participants will be excited about. If those selling the product aren’t excited, it will become difficult to raise money from your fundraiser.

2. Make it easy on participants

Several fundraisers require you to take orders, collect money, and distribute a product later. Some even require special storage, such as food products.

The easier you make it on your participants, the more you will likely sell, and the more funds you will raise. Custom car magnets offer an easy option since you’ll order the magnets, and then sell them.

You can even partner with local sports teams and split the funds. Just have the custom magnets printed to represent their team and sell the magnets at the sporting event. Offer to do all the work and give the team a cut of the funds you raise.

If you don’t want to deal with taking orders, collecting money, and distributing a product later on, choose a fundraiser you can invest in upfront and deliver the product the second someone makes a purchase.

3. Create enthusiasm

Providing good incentives for those participating in your fundraiser can help foster enthusiasm. If you want to run a successful youth group fundraiser, you must create enthusiasm within your sales force.

Prizes can help excite those selling. If the prizes make sense for your group and they are linked to the sales goals of the individual, it can go a long way to helping to create enthusiasm.

4. Create incredible value

Those buying whatever you’re selling need to see the perceived value. Sure, parents and a few others will buy anything to support their children in the youth group. However, outside of the parents, you need to add value to the rest of the audience.

You can add value by providing something people want and like. Showing pride for their church or for other local organizations is a great way to add value. Custom car magnets provide this opportunity.

Maybe there’s a local organization or cause that you could spread awareness for. It’s easier to show added value by providing something buyers want to support emotionally, such as cancer awareness.

Partner with a local organization or cause and raise funds and awareness at the same time. This is a great way to add value and increase demand for your custom magnet fundraiser.

Use these tips to help you create a successful youth group fundraiser this year. With custom car magnets, you can raise plenty of cash and these tips will help you sell more magnets to your audience.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Creating an Amazing Custom Fundraising Magnet

Top Tips for Creating an Amazing Custom Fundraising Magnet

Top Tips for Creating an Amazing Custom Fundraising Magnet

Top Tips for Creating an Amazing Custom Fundraising Magnet

A custom car magnet for fundraisers offers something fun and simple. Creating an amazing custom fundraising magnet will help you spread awareness and raise money for your group.

Whether you’re creating a fundraising magnet for a sport team, youth group, school, or church, the right design makes a difference. It needs to connect emotionally, stand out, and provide value for your audience.

5 Tips for Your Custom Fundraising Magnet Design

1. Use Emotion to Your Advantage

If you have a cause you can spread awareness for, use it to your advantage. Maybe your group wants to spread awareness about breast cancer. Create a custom fundraising magnet with a pink ribbon will help you connect with your audience on an emotional level.

Consider the different ways you can connect with you audience. Partnering with a cause can go a long way. Look for causes in your local area that will have an impact on your audience.

2. Pick the Best Size

Bigger is better, sometimes. With custom fundraising magnet the size you choose depends on what you plan to display on the magnet. The size will also change the price, so make sure you consider your budget.

You might want a larger custom car magnet so it will stand out better. Larger magnets can also provide more room if you need to display the logo or name of a sponsor.

While a one-inch larger custom car magnet might not seem that much bigger, it can make a big impact. That extra inch might allow for more awareness and the magnet becomes easier to spot.

3. Choose a Custom Shape

Maybe the standard oval or round shape simply doesn’t work for your needs. A custom shape can make your fundraising magnet unique. It can make it stand out even more.

Football teams can choose the shape of a helmet, while churches can use the shape of a steeple or a cross. With a custom shape, your magnet won’t be like all the other magnets.

4. Pick Good Colors

For some, the colors will simply be the team colors, school colors, or the same colors found in your logo. For others, designing the right custom fundraiser magnet means choosing the best colors. You want to make sure the colors work together and get your message across boldly.

5. Get Creative, but Keep it Simple

Creativity will go a long way in ensuring your magnet stands out. However, if you go overboard, it could become too busy and your message might become blurred.

Take your magnet to the next level with creative graphics and fun colors. Just make sure it’s simple enough to get your message across without seeming too busy.

Designing the perfect custom fundraising magnet doesn’t need to be difficult. Use these five tips to ensure you have the perfect custom car magnet for your upcoming fundraiser.

Our professional design team will help you every step of the way. We can make recommendations to ensure you have a great fundraising magnet your audience will love.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles for Fundraising


Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles for Fundraising

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles for Fundraising

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles for Fundraising

When it’s time to choose the right fundraiser for your group, you should look at custom car magnets vs. candles. Both offer the ability to make money for your group, but only one will be the right option for you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re raising money for a sports team, church, school, or any other group, the right fundraiser makes a huge difference. Let’s compare the custom car magnet fundraiser to selling candles as a fundraiser.

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles: Your Target Audience

Custom car magnets provide a very large target audience. Anybody wanting to show support for your group or team will be happy to buy a magnet and display it on their car. Heck, they will likely buy a new magnet every single year, which makes it very easy to use this fundraiser annually.

Candles are very popular, of course, and about 72% of homes in the United States have candles. However, the target audience is lower, especially without the ability to allow potential customers to smell the candles first. Some buyers can be very picky about the scents they like and candles don’t appeal to everybody.

Winner: The custom car magnet fundraiser wins when it comes to the target audience. This type of fundraiser offers a larger audience for more sales.

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles: Distribution

Another important thing to consider when looking at custom car magnets vs. candles for your fundraiser is distribution. With candles, you’ll receive a catalog or a free candle kit, along with order sheets and collection envelopes. Those participating will need to take orders and will distribute candles later on after all orders have been received.

Custom car magnets are purchased upfront and sold on the spot. When someone decides to buy a car magnet from you, they pay you and you give them a magnet. This makes it easy to distribute your product without needing to take and fill orders.

You can sell custom car magnets at sporting events, at school, at church, during festivals and fairs, and at other events. They can easily be sold just about anywhere and distribution is simple.

Winner: Custom car magnets beat candles again because the distribution is much easier. You won’t need to take orders and fill them later with car magnets.

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles: Price

When you plan a fundraiser, you don’t want to sell something so high in price it’s hard to sell. Of course, you also want to make sure there’s enough of a profit margin to make it worth the effort.

With custom car magnets, you can set your price at $10 or less. This makes it very easy to sell custom car magnets as $10 isn’t a lot of money for most people.

A candle fundraiser is another good choice when it comes to price. Most candles will sell for around $15, which makes them another low price item good for fundraising.

Winner: Custom car magnets and candles both offer a good price. For this category, it’s a tie.

Custom Car Magnets vs. Candles: Profit Margin

One of the most important factors in choosing a fundraiser is the profit margin. You need it to be worth it if you’re going to send your students, athletes, or participants out to sell something to raise money.

Candles offer a decent profit margin of around 50%. If you sell candles for $15, you’ll make about $7.50 per candle. This means you need to sell 100 candles to raise around $750 for your group.

With custom car magnets, the more you buy, the lower the price becomes. If you buy 100, you’ll pay $3 to $3.50 per magnet, depending on the size. However, if you buy 1,000 magnets, you’ll pay around $1 per magnet. You can even find a sponsor to cover the cost of the magnets in exchange for their name as the sponsor on the magnet.

With 1,000 magnets at about $1 each, you’ve invested $1,000 into your fundraiser. If you sell each magnet for an average of $7.50 each (offer 1 for $10 or 2 for $15), you’ll have $7,500 in sales. After your cost, you will have raised $6,500. The profit margin is approximately 750%!

Winner: When it comes to profit margin, custom car magnets beat nearly every other fundraiser available, including a candle fundraiser.

If you’re planning a new fundraiser for your group, consider a custom car magnet fundraiser. It’s a better choice for most groups compared to a candle fundraiser.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Create an Amazing Back to School Promotion With Custom School Magnets

School Magnets

Custom School Magnets

Create an Amazing Back to School Promotion With Custom School Magnets

Custom magnets offer one of the most popular fundraising choices for back to school. Even if you don’t plan to sell the magnets, they can offer a great way to show off your school.

With back to school time coming up fast, it’s time to lock in your fundraising ideas. Custom school magnets should be high on your list due to the high return on investment, the fun designs, and how easy they are to sell.

They may a great gift for back to school, sports teams, and more. You can use different magnets throughout the year for fundraising and awareness spreading campaigns.

Choosing the right design can be difficult, however. Let’s look at a few unique custom school magnet designs to help get your creative juices flowing.

Oval School Magnets

The oval shape is very popular and offers plenty of room to add text and images. Whether you want to add an old school building or a chain of kids holding hands, you have plenty of options to choose from. Of course, you can stick with the classic school logo and name, if you prefer.

Round School Magnets

Another very popular shape for custom school magnets is the round magnet. This design allows you to add a mascot or logo to the center with the school name or slogan on the outer rim. Round school magnets fit very well onto cars and offer an attractive choice.

The round school magnets work great for certain sports teams, too. They fit well for all of the following sports teams:

If you’re working on a back to school fundraiser for your sports team and the ball is a circular shape, round school magnets are a great choice.

Custom School Magnets

Maybe you want a unique shape that’s not round or oval. If you want to really stand out, you can choose unique shapes of all sorts. For example, you can create a football helmet or a puzzle piece design. Many other unique shapes are possible with an endless number of options.

One of the most popular custom school magnets shapes fits well for cheerleading. You can have a magnet designed like a megaphone with the cheerleading school name and mascot.

Let Us Help You Design Your Custom School Magnet

When it’s time to figure out the right design for your school magnet, our team is ready to help. At ARC Marketing, we offer free car magnet design for all our customers.

All you have to do is fill out a simple form with some information about the magnet you’d like. We will create a design for your free of charge. Even if you want us to make some changes, once it’s done, we will be happy to adjust the design to suit your specific needs.

When it’s time to start your back to school fundraiser, custom school magnets offer a great choice. With several design options, you can get the perfect magnet for your fundraiser this year.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Are Custom Car Magnets Weather Proof?

Are Custom Car Magnets Weather Proof?

Are Custom Car Magnets Weather Proof?

Are Custom Car Magnets Weather Proof?

Before you decide to use custom car magnets for your fundraiser, it’s a good idea to know if they are weatherproof. Taking care of these magnets will help them last longer. If you want to try selling magnets this year for a fundraiser, make sure you know what you’re getting first.

Custom car magnets are used for many different purposes. They are designed to be put on any metallic part of a vehicle and displayed with pride. Business owners use them for promotion, while schools, sports groups, and others use them as a fundraiser and to spread awareness.

How Custom Car Magnets Hold Up in the Weather

No matter the climate you live in, custom car magnets will hold up. Whether you’re in the Florida sun or the cold of Minnesota, custom car magnets will last.

The custom car magnets you get from ARC Marketing are designed for outdoor use. They are UV safe and they will last a very long time. Our magnets offer protection against the elements, no matter your climate.

While no custom car magnet will last forever, most magnets will last three to five years. Some will last longer, and it does depend on how much they are outside.

For example, a custom car magnet on a car stored outside year-round probably won’t last as long as one on a car stored in a garage most of the year.

Regardless, our magnets are weatherproof and will hold up in the rain, wind, snow, sun, and other weather conditions.

You want to make sure the custom car magnets you get are made for outdoor use. They should be made with high durability and weather-resistant materials. If you choose a cheap imitation, you won’t get a magnet that will last nearly as long.

Will My Car Be Damaged By The Magnet?

Figuring out if custom car magnets are weatherproof is a good place to start. However, before you start selling magnets as a fundraiser, you should also make sure the magnets won’t damage cars.

At ARC Marketing, we take pride in providing the best custom car magnets in the business. Our magnets are not cheap imitations and they don’t damage cars.

Some of the cheap imitations are actually refrigerator magnets and they are not designed for cars. They may come with a paper coating and wrinkle or fade quickly.

While it’s always a good idea to remove your custom car magnets when washing your car, our magnets won’t damage your car. Make sure you apply the magnet to a clean and dry metallic surface on your car, as well.

Choosing the right product for your fundraiser isn’t easy. If you’re considering custom car magnets because they are inexpensive, easy to distribute, and offer a high return on investment, you’re on the right track.

Since our custom car magnets are also weatherproof and won’t damage the vehicle, they make a perfect choice. Whether you’re raising money, raising awareness, or both, we’re here to help you get the right car magnets for your specific needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

A Few Unique Uses for Custom School Magnets

School Magnets for fundraising

School Magnets

A Few Unique Uses for Custom School Magnets

With the school year right around the corner, it’s time to consider some of the ways you can use custom school magnets. Whether you’re trying to offer something as a gift to the parents of your students or you need a fundraising idea, there are plenty of unique options for school magnets.

School Calendar Magnets

One of the most popular types of magnets for schools is a school calendar magnet. These magnets can feature the name of the school, along with important contact information and a calendar running from August through July.

These magnets can be used as a fundraiser, but they can also be used as a giveaway for parents. They make a good choice for the fridge, filing cabinet, or door frame.

School Locker Magnets

If you want to give the kids a cool magnet or raise money while selling magnets to kids, locker magnets are a good choice. Every student probably wants to decorate their locker and show off their school pride.

Pick a magnet design that the kids will like and you might just have a great option for your fundraiser. You can even do a contest and let the students submit their design ideas. Maybe the best one gets a prize.

Custom School Car Magnets

An easy way to raise funds, custom school car magnets allow parents and other supporters to show off school pride. They are inexpensive and easy to deliver unlike other fundraising products, especially food products.

Not only can these magnets be used as a fundraiser, but they can also make a good promotional item or giveaway item for parents. You can partner with a business and let them put their logo on the magnets in exchange for the business paying for them.

Custom College Car Magnets

Even college students can use custom car magnets for a fundraiser. They can design an attractive magnet for their group and use it to raise money. Whether the funds are to support a group or an event, custom college car magnets are a good way to get people involved and raise the necessary funds.

Why Choose Custom Magnets for Your School?

With so many uses, it’s easy to see why so many schools already use custom magnets. They are very affordable and make a great option for fundraising.

PTAs, sports teams, and other school groups use custom car magnets for fundraising for a variety of reasons. Many groups don’t want to deal with food fundraisers anymore because of the difficulty and the need to take orders, store food, and deliver it. Custom car magnets don’t require all this hassle.

The cost is a huge reason why schools use custom car magnet. They are very cheap to buy and can be sold for a very nice profit.

No matter how you plan to use custom school magnets, ARC Marketing is here to help. We will help you choose the right type of magnet and the right design. When you’re ready to start your next school fundraiser, our team is ready to help you make it a success.