Have You Considered a Custom Picture Frame Magnet for Your School Fundraiser?

Have You Considered a Custom Picture Frame Magnet for Your School Fundraiser?
School is back in and it’s time to figure out which school fundraiser will work best for your needs. Whether you’re running a preschool, elementary school, middle school, or high school, you need the right fundraiser throughout the year.
Selling picture frame magnets can go a long way to filling in some of your fundraising gaps. This type of magnet provides something parents and students will love and it can be customized to fit your school colors or your specific needs.
In some cases, you can even partner with a local business as a sponsor to get your magnets at no cost. Let the business put their name and contact info on the magnet as a sponsor. They can pay for the cost of the magnets and you get a fundraiser that gives you 100% profit when you sell the custom picture frame magnets.
Benefits of Using Custom Picture Frame Magnets
1. Very Appealing
With the right custom picture frame magnet, you can get a very visually appealing magnet. The opening for the picture can have a custom shape and you can even use that insert as a separate magnet branded to match your school. There are many ways to make your custom magnet visually appealing through the right colors, fonts, and design.
2. Provide a Use
If you sell these picture frame magnets around school picture time or around sports team picture time, they provide a use. Parents can use the magnet on their fridge to display a picture of their child. This can also work great for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members.
You can even have the students sell the custom picture frame magnets and hand out one of their school pictures to their family members at the same time. If you use these magnets at during picture time, it can make for a great fundraiser.
3. Very Budget-Friendly
Custom picture frame magnets don’t have a high cost. You don’t have to sell these for much to make a profit, especially if you get a business sponsor. These magnets can be very budget-friendly and can provide you with a great fundraiser, even with the custom design.
Unlike other school fundraisers, this type of fundraiser doesn’t have a high cost for the customer, either. You don’t have to sell some food items for $20 or $30 only to make a small percentage in your fundraiser. Instead, you can sell these magnets for $10 or even less and get 100% profit with a business sponsor.
There are many great benefits to using custom picture frame magnets for your school fundraiser. It can become boring and hard to sell some of the other types of items, such as food, candy, and candles. With a custom picture frame magnet fundraiser at school picture time, you can add a new annual fundraiser to your list.
Use our free virtual design tool to figure out the best design for your custom magnet. You can also call our team to discuss what type of design might work best for your specific needs.