Car Magnets for Military Schools
Military School car magnets is a small, but important category here at ARC Marketing. Our deep respect for our military is why we get so excited when one of these schools reaches out to us to design and print their custom car magnets.
Military Schools have been a part of the American Education System for more than 100 years. The primary goal of these schools has been to teach children and teens the discipline needed to become successful in life and to help them choose a career in the military or to follow other career paths. Most of the top military schools in America have a rich tradition of preparing their students for a military career as an officer. Contrary to the norm when military schools were first founded, girls and young women are now accepted into military schools across the country.
The New Orleans Military and Marine Academy (NOMMA) is located in New Orleans. They reached out to ARC Marketing to design a custom car magnet to promote their school. Here is their magnet:
New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy car magnet
Here is a little info about NOMMA, taken from their website.
“The New Orleans Military/Maritime Academy (NOMMA) is a Type 2 charter high school serving students in the New Orleans Metropolitan area. NOMMA is dedicated to the education of high school students, no matter their background or previous school experience. Students at NOMMA study in a focused, college preparatory environment guided by a team of teachers and retired military instructors who bring unparalleled experience to the classroom. All NOMMA students are cadets of the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Program. The mentoring support provided by the JROTC instructors and instruction from the master’s level academic faculty ensures that cadets achieve their personal and academic potential. The acquisition of core knowledge and the skills of analysis, problem-solving, communication, and global responsibility will ensure the cadets success as future local and national leaders.”
Promote your school with a custom car magnet. Our team at ARC Marketing is ready to help you design a magnet that your school will be proud of. Call us at 760-743-6340 today.