Fundraising Car Magnets

What is a Virtual Magnet?

Free Professional Design for your New Car Magnet

What is a Virtual Magnet, and why is it so important? A Virtual Magnet is really nothing more than a digital copy of the design that our art department is working on (at no charge!) for your new custom car magnet. More than likely, there will be several revisions of your magnet design and a new Virtual Magnet will be emailed to you after each revision so that you can see it and comment on it. If more changes are requested by you, then our art department will create a new, revised Virtual Magnet and email that to you also. Eventually, you will have a car magnet design that you love and then we can begin printing and shipping your new custom car magnets to you.

Remember, the Virtual Magnet is a free service from ARC Marketing and is the most important phase of the entire car magnet process, so get involved!

Getting the perfect custom car magnet is easy at ARC Marketing! Visit our website at


Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Shape Car Magnets

Crest Car Magnet

Crest Car Magnet

Custom Shaped Car Magnets

ARC Marketing does not charge extra for custom shaped car magnets, but what is the best outside shape to use?

For durability, the best car magnet shape is either a circle or an oval. Both oval magnets and round magnets have a single, unbroken, continuous outside edge. Unlike squares, rectangles or intricate die cut shapes, round and oval magnets don’t have any sharp corners that can begin to tear over time.

But if a unique, irregular outside shape will make your magnet look better, then go with that! We do not charge extra for custom shapes. We also do not charge more for extra colors, so no need to compromise there either!

ARC Marketing is America’s leader in custom car magnets. Custom means just that… custom!

Visit our website for all of your custom car magnet needs.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets for Autism Awareness


Autism Awareness Car Magnet

Autism Awareness Car Magnet

One of the many ways that car magnets can provide a powerful message is through “cause marketing”. Autism Awareness is one of the causes that have embraced car magnets as a tool to get the message out to the people.

Most websites that offer Autism Car Magnets have generic magnets that are preprinted and stocked in inventory. The advantage to this is that you can order 1 or 2 of these generic autism magnets, and you can get them pretty fast; usually shipping to you in about 3 days. These generic autism magnets usually cost about $5 each, plus shipping. Putting this type of magnet on your car makes you one of a thousand, if not one of 100,000. While this autism magnet will help the autism cause as a whole, it will do nothing to advance your own personal autism story.

But if you have bigger plans, and if you want a customized car magnet for your Autism Awareness Program, then ARC Marketing can offer a solution. Let one of our designers create a magnet specifically for your group. Customized magnets can provide more impact, create more fundraising dollars and shine the spotlight on your specific cause.

Also, since you will be buying at least 50 of your very own custom car magnets, the price could well be lower than the generic magnets. 50 custom 5” oval magnets (designed exclusively for you) will cost only $3.50 each. Buy more and the price is even less. For example, buy 150 custom autism car magnets and the price goes down to $2.10 each. Sell those magnets for $5 each and the fundraising potential is huge! Mention this blog post and we will also pay your set-up charge (normally $50).

Don’t wait! Start creating awareness and start making money! You can do both with a custom autism car magnet from ARC Marketing! Call us at 760-743-6340 for more information.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets – Best Design Wins

Free Designs for your new car magnets.

Car magnets could be your most profitable fundraiser this year. Everybody loves car magnets and we make the best car magnets on this planet. But when it comes down to creating a car magnet, do you need to hire a professional artist? Computer artists charge about $50 to create logos, letterhead, and other designs.

Save your money! ARC Marketing will design your new magnet for free. We have a team of amazing artists and they design the most compelling car magnets in America. Let us take over your car magnet project while you move on to more important matters.

Perhaps the most critical part of the entire personalized vehicle magnet process is the design. Design work can be time consuming and expensive. Designing your new car magnet can take hours of artist-time. There could be numerous revisions. But it’s all worth the time and effort if you end up with a magnet that you love!

And what is the cost for all this?  Nothing if you are working with ARC Marketing. We do not charge for artwork or design-time.

We think we have the best designers in our industry. Our designs are clean and crisp; easy to read from a distance but able to broadcast your message powerfully.

Are you ready to have one of our designers unleash their mad skills on your next car magnet? Visit our website at and let’s see what we can do together.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Promotional Car Magnets

Promote Your Business with a Custom Car Magnet

There are a number of companies selling the large “car door” magnets. These are great if you want to advertise your business on your personal car, but none of your clients will want a magnet that big on their car (plus, those over-sized advertising magnets can cost $20 each or more)! As mentioned on an earlier blog post (Car Magnets go Viral), the more cars you can get your magnet on, the better. For about $1 each, we can design and print a thousand bullet-proof outdoor magnets (5″ Oval or 4¼” Circle). Give one of those to each of your clients and soon the world (or at least your part of the world!) will be seeing your company name all over town.

Now, the key to getting these customers to put that magnet on their car is in the way the magnet is designed. If it looks too much like a 100% advertisement, then most likely they won’t want it on their car (I know I wouldn’t). But if we make the design a little edgier, more colorful, more fun… then you have something that they will eagerly put on their cars.

As mentioned before, each car magnet will be seen by approximately 100 cars every day (7/24… 365 days a year). It doesn’t take a math wizard to figure out that  this is a tremendous way to get cost-effective advertising. See, the magnet is just the medium that your advertisement is printed on… but your client’s car is the key. You are using his or her car as a free mobile device to broadcast your advertising message. You are such a GENIUS!

Here’s a magnet designed and produced for Shred 415, a high-intensity workout  facility with studios  in the Chicago area…

Promotional and Advertising Car Magnets

Promotional and Advertising Car Magnets

Imagine this magnet on 500 cars around town. You wouldn’t have to imagine it if you were in the Chicago area… you would be seeing this several times every day on different cars!

If your business needs a shot in the arm, consider a promotional magnets from ARC Marketing. For more information about our car magnets, visit us at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets Go Viral!

Increase Awareness with a Custom Car Magnet

Car Magnets Go Viral… Most people associate the word “viral” with digital devices (cell phones, iPads, computers, etc.) because of their ability to take information and allow an unlimited number of people to eventually see it. Car magnets do the same thing, though on a slightly smaller scale! Imagine that you have a talented ARC Marketing designer create your custom vehicle magnets, and suppose you order 500 of them. Eventually, you sell them all, so now there are 500 cars showing off your fundraising vehicle magnets. How many other cars do you think will see each of those magnets every day, if the car was driving around town? 25? 50? 100? Maybe more. Let’s say 100, just to keep the math simple. 500 cars multiplied by 100 unique views equals… 50,000 views a day. And that’s everyday; 24/7. It never quits, it always broadcasts your school name, team name, etc. The only way it won’t broadcast your message is if that car is in the garage.

Go Viral. Let us design your new custom fundraising car magnet today.

Click here to get started on your free Virtual Magnet.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets: What makes a strong car magnet design?

What makes a strong car magnet design?
What makes a strong car magnet design?

How to design an effective fundraising car magnet.

Fundraising car magnets are a great way to raise money for your cause, school, or team. Not only do they help generate income, but they also help spread awareness about your organization. To design an effective school car magnet, it’s important to keep it simple and readable. People will be reading your magnet from a distance, sometimes while driving, so having large, easy-to-read letters is crucial. Here are some tips for designing an effective fundraising car magnet:

  1. Keep it simple: Use just 2 or 3 words, such as your school or team name, in large letters at the top of the magnet.
  2. Use a logo or mascot: Place your organization’s logo or mascot in the center of the magnet. This helps to make it easily recognizable.
  3. Place additional information at the bottom: If you need to include additional information, such as a tagline or contact information, place it at the bottom of the magnet in a smaller font.
  4. Experiment with different designs: Our artists don’t charge for the time they spend on your design, so feel free to experiment with different designs. You can try two different designs to see which one works best for your organization.
  5. Get creative: We don’t charge extra for extra colors or custom shapes, so get creative with your design. Use bright colors and eye-catching designs to make your magnet stand out.
  6. Make it durable: We use the highest-quality materials and printing methods to ensure your magnet lasts for a long time. This will help you get the most value out of your investment.
  7. Use a call to action: Encourage people to support your cause by including a call to action on your magnet. This can be as simple as “Support our cause” or “Donate today.”
  8. Make it visible: Place your magnet in a visible location on your car, such as the back of your car. This will help to increase its visibility and make it more noticeable to others.
  9. Partner with local businesses: Partner with local businesses to help spread awareness about your cause. They may be willing to donate funds or help promote your magnet.
  10. Offer incentives: Offer incentives, such as discounts or special offers, to people who purchase your magnet. This will help to increase sales and generate more funds for your organization.

In conclusion, designing an effective fundraising car magnet requires a combination of creativity, simplicity, and readability. By following these tips, you can create a magnet that helps raise money for your cause while also spreading awareness about your organization. Get started today by filling out our Free Virtual Magnet form.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Church Car Magnets

Church Car Magnets

Car Magnet of the Month. December 2013

Church car magnets are an excellent way to spread the word. Like any other group. churches often find the need to promote themselves. And how does a church promote themselves? Not with the traditional “business advertising” model; that would seem to be too impersonal.

Car magnets are the perfect way to promote your church. Car magnets allow you to turn the cars of your members into mobile billboards. Imagine 100 cars around town with your magnet on the back. Each of those cars will be seen by at least 100 other cars every day. That’s 7 days a week; 365 days a year. Car magnets never stop broadcasting your message.

New Horizons Church in Radford, VA created a new logo for their church. What better way to show it off with a Custom Car Magnet from ARC Marketing! Soon, everyone in Radford will be familiar with this new logo.

This is New Horizons second custom car magnet design this year. The first design was more of an “informative car magnet” (who we are, what we do, etc.). This new car magnet shows off their beautiful new logo. Congratulations to the design-team at New Horizons Church… awesome new logo!

Church Car Magnets

Church Car Magnets

Want more information on getting a custom car magnet for your church? Visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets: Welcome to our new website!

Our New Website

After months of development, the new ARC Marketing website on-line. The web development team at ARC Web Solutions did a great job (let me know if you would like  a new website for your group also).