Fundraising Car Magnets

Christian School Fundraising Ideas

Christian Academy car magnets

Christian School Car Magnets for Fundraising

Public Schools are not the only option for education in America. They are, however, the only option for an education paid for by your tax dollars.

Christian Schools and Christian Academies do not enjoy the funding advantage of public schools. The parents that opt for a Christian Education know full well that this is going to be a financial sacrifice from kindergarten through the 12th grade.

The tuition that the parents pay for a Christian education does not cover all expenses at Christian academies. Most Christian schools offer extra-curricular activities just like the public schools do (sports, bands, cheerleading, debate teams, etc.) and those activities need to be paid by the parents. It’s no surprise that fundraising plays a large role in paying for these.

As mentioned in many other posts on this blog, there are an almost endless number of fundraising ideas out there. Some are first class and generate a large amount of money for capital programs. Most are time-consuming, barely profitable and require that your student go door-to-door selling something that nobody wants.

Using a custom car magnet as a fundraising item is a bit different. The door-to-door aspect is unnecessary, the PTA or PTO handles the sale of the car magnets and word-of-mouth is the most common way that parents learn about the availability of the custom car magnets. Once theses magnets start appearing on cars around town, everyone is going to want one.

Here’s another strong benefit of a customized car magnet with your school name and logo… awareness! These car magnets will create a lot of brand awareness for the school. They create a sense of “community”. Imagine walking through the local mall parking lot and seeing dozens of cars with the same car magnet from your school. It’s a good feeling!

Let us show you how easy it is to get a custom magnet for your school. We’ll do all the work. We’ll design, print and ship your magnet, usually in 2 weeks or less. Our magnets are weather proof and fade resistant, so it will look awesome for years. To get started, just give us a call at 760-743-6340!

Fundraising Car Magnets

High School Cross Country Fundraising Ideas

Cross Country Car Magnets

Car Magnets for High School Cross Country Teams

Let’s give a shout-out to one of the less recognized sports; High School Cross Country. These kids train and perform far from the huge crowds associated with High School Football and Basketball. They run around tracks in empty stadiums, they run through the forests, over hills, through valleys.

Without an attendance base like the football team enjoys, there is very little revenue coming in. And like most High School Sports, the funding is just not there like it was in the past.

Like most sports, the Cross Country Teams have booster clubs, created and staffed by the parents. Their job is not only to bring awareness to the Cross Country Team, but to help raise money to offset the costs associated with this sport.

There is a post on the internet by a Cross Country Booster Club (actually there are several and they all talk about the same expenses, so I assume most XC Teams have similar expenses), and this team has outlined all of the expenses (uniforms, sweats, camps, meet fees, overnight trips, coaching, etc.) and the total expense for a team of 50 runners is $25,450. That is $509 per runner.

Just Google “Cross Country Fundraising Ideas” and you are immediately hit with the usual suspects… How would you like to be going door-to-door selling…

  • “Frozen Cookie Dough Tubs” (2 pounds for $10? Makes my arteries constrict just thinking about it).
  • “Flower Bulbs” (I do enough yard work already. These would just sit in a drawer for the next 10 years).
  • “Candle Sales” (I don’t want to see a candle unless the power goes out).

Not only would these be humiliating for a High School Athlete to peddle door-to-door, they are only purchased out of pity. Nobody really wants any of this junk. On top of that, there is no awareness created by these products after the sale.

You know where I’m going with this, right? Car magnets allow you to double or triple your money, and after the sale, you have hundreds of cars with your High School Cross Country Magnet broadcasting your team logo. Plus car magnets are fat-free, do not cause unnecessary yardwork and are not a fire hazard (compared to the 3 other examples shown above).

We are not saying to give up on these other fundraisers (no matter how embarrassing they are). You cannot raise all of the money you need with car magnets alone. But they should be part of your Fundraising Mix. Car magnets will do at least two things that the other fundraisers cannot do… create a sense of awareness for your Cross Country Team, and give you a sense of pride for your sport (humiliation not included).

Let our highly skilled design-team create a car magnet that you will be proud to sell. Give us a call at 760-743-6340 or visit our website at today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Car Magnets for Montessori Schools

Montessori School Custom Car Magnets

Montessori School Fundraising

Hey, you learn something new every day. We have been making custom fundraising car magnets for Montessori Schools for about 10 years, and I just realized that I really had no idea what a Montessori School was. So, I Googled it. There are an endless number of sites that try to explain how a Montessori School works, and what makes it different from traditional public schools.

After reading through about a dozen sites, I have distilled this down to the following sentence: “Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori and characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development.”

Obviously it’s much more in-depth than that, but it sure sounds like it would have been a lot more fun than the public schools I went to in the 60’s.

Okay, so why would a Montessori School need a car magnet? In America, the majority of Montessori Schools are privately owned and do not receive financial support from the government. A growing number of them are joining the Public School System, but almost all of their money comes from tuition. This leaves a funding gap that needs to be filled by fundraising.

Most private schools put on elaborate Black Tie events to do the bulk of their fundraising, usually under the classification of Capital Funding Campaign. This is where like-minded patrons with deep pockets write the big checks that pay for the new gymnasium or new science lab.

But for the smaller projects which are funded by the PTA or PTO, a car magnet fundraiser could be a very important piece of the fundraising puzzle. An average size school could make several thousands of dollars by selling custom car magnets designed by ARC Marketing.

We’ll do all of the hard work; we’ll design your magnet, we’ll print and ship your magnet, we’ll create the collateral material you’ll need to sell your magnet (flyers, website images, emails, etc.) and we will rush your re-order when you sell out! Couldn’t’ be easier. Call us at 760-743-6340 and we’ll get started today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Sorority and Fraternity Car Magnets

Sorority and Fraternity Car Magnets

Fraternity and Sorority Car Magnets

Attention Greeks… this is a great way to make money and show everyone around school that you are the best Frat House or Sorority on campus.

Our 6 inch oval magnet is very subtle, and blends into all cars quite well. It doesn’t matter if you drive a beat up old Civic while at school, or if daddy bought you a new BMW, these car magnets just look right.

But the subtlety ends when you put your Greek Letters on this magnet. Suddenly your car is transformed from just a simple means of transportation to a rolling billboard for your Frat or Sorority. Can you imagine the frustration of a rival Frater in the car behind you at that stop light? Having to sit there and stare at your SAE or TKE car magnet? It might just be enough to make him switch teams.

Most Frats and Sororities will only want their 2 or 3 Greek Letters on their magnet, but some (like the Alpha Kappa Delta magnet shown above) will want a little extra added. You might want your Fraternity Crest on there somewhere, or your Chapter Name. It doesn’t matter what you want, our job is to design a magnet that will make you, your fellow members and your Alumni proud. Designing the best looking car magnets in the world is what we do. Nobody does it better and we do all of the design work for free.

Taking care of your new car magnet could not be easier. Just slap it on the back of your car, and make sure those Pledges take it off before they wash your car. That’s about as close to hazing as you can get in 2015.

Are you ready to be the Best Greek House on campus? Just give us a call at 760-743-6340 and we’ll start working on your free magnet design.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Color Guard Fundraising

Color Guard Car Magnets

Color Guard Fundraising Car Magnets

Is Color Guard a sport, or a discipline? Both, according to those who participate. Either way, Color Guard is an Extracurricular Activity and is not funded by the school. This leaves most of the heavy lifting to the parents. This is why fundraising is just as important for Color Guard parents as it for parents of any high school sport or activity.

Like most sports, there is a lot of gear to buy for Color Guard. Of course you have uniforms to buy, but you also might need to provide your own Flag, Rifle and Sabre. Have you priced this stuff lately?

But wait… there’s more! We just Googled “Color Guard Expenses”, and here is what one school says you should expect to pay:

  • Marching Band Fee $100 per student
  • Uniform Cleaning Fee $50 per student
  • Instrument Rental Fee $45 per student
  • Travel Expenses $500 – $550 per student

And there could be more. There could be additional fees for Auxiliary Instructional Staff, Materials for the Field Shows, and on and on.

The point is that Color Guard is just as expensive as the main-stream sports such as basketball and football, except that the parents need to pay a greater portion of those expenses than most other sports.

Let’s bottom line this, fundraising is critical to the continued success of your school’s Color Guard. Every dollar raised through fundraising is one more dollar not coming out of the parent’s pockets. You can hold a car wash every weekend, and a bake sale every weekday, but those fundraisers are really not well received. We’re biased, but we think the easiest way to raise money is with a custom car magnet. Depending on how many magnets you sell, you can make $500 to $5,000 if you sell the magnets for $10 each (and that’s the price that most Color Guards sell their magnets for).

Let us design a Color Guard magnet for your school; no obligation. Then you can decide if this is something that will help your Color Guard (it will!). Give us a call at 760-743-6340 or visit our website at today.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Catholic School Fundraising

Catholic School Fundraising

Fundraising Car Magnets for Catholic Schools

Why do Catholic Schools love our custom car magnets? Is it for the money that can be made as a fundraiser, or is it so that they can show off? The obvious answer is “Both”.

Catholic schools are private schools, and do not receive any public funding. Most of the funding comes from tuition, but tuition alone does not pay all of the bills. The really creative Catholic School Parent/Teacher groups will find ways to help close this budget gap with various fundraisers.

Some of our Catholic School customers buy 500 or 1,000 customized magnets before the beginning of each school year, and then just give one to each parent for free. Their goal is to increase the awareness of their school in their community. You can imagine the impact of have a thousand cars driving all over town with your Catholic School logo on each car. This is the type of exposure that cannot be achieved with any other method of advertising.

Some of our other Catholic School customers are actually the PTA’s, PTO’s and other Parent/Teacher groups. They have us design an awesome car magnet, then they sell them to parents and faculty for $10 each. The same number of cars now have their magnet on them, broadcasting their school logo and mission statement day in, and day out. The big difference is this… the PTA now has $8,625 to donate to the school to help with scholarships, computers, and anything else the school needs.

Taking advantage of a car magnet fundraiser is easy… we’ll do all of the work! We’ll design your magnet, print your magnet, provide you with flyers, create the email images you need to inform your parents, create the website images you need to post on your school website… we do it all!

To get started, just give us a call at 760-743-6340 or visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Band Fundraising with Custom Car Magnets


School Band Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for School Bands

Fundraising is a fact of life for most music booster organizations. Everyone is always looking for a newer, better, easier way to raise the money their child’s music program needs.

Being a band member is not free, it’s not even just a casual expense… it’s very expensive!

Here are some of the expenses that parents need to pay for:

  • Fall Semester Uniform
  • Spring Semester Uniform
  • Summer Uniform
  • Band Shoes
  • Band T-Shirts
  • Instrument Rental
  • Uniform Accessories
  • Concert Attire
  • Tuners, Metronomes, etc.

This is just a partial list. If you are currently a Band Parent, you know this list goes on and on.

On top of these items that parents must pay for individually, there are shared expenses that the entire band needs to pay, and those expenses are divided up and also paid by the parents. These cover expenses related to band extracurricular activities throughout the year (such as travel expenses), the cost of auxiliary instructors and choreography and music adaptation.

Wow. And you thought football was expensive! You’re looking at about $1,000 per year to keep your student in the School Band.

Many Band Parent Associations rely on fundraising to lighten the financial load, and custom car magnets has become the go-to item for fundraising. We helped about 20 School Bands last year with a custom car magnet fundraiser and we can do it for your school also.

Just give us a call at 760-743-6340 and we will have one of our artists design a custom magnet that will raise money and make you look good all year long!



Fundraising Car Magnets

Make More Money for Your Fundraiser

McVey Elementary School

East Meadow “Community Themed” car magnet

Okay, so you’ve decided to use custom car magnets as part of your fundraising efforts. What is more important to you… bringing awareness to your group, or maximizing the money? Sometimes, a more “generic” magnet can appeal to a larger target audience than a specifically designed magnet.  This means that your income potential can be many times greater.

McVey Elementary PTA, in East Meadow, New York had us design the attached magnet for their fundraiser. As you can see, the words “McVey Elementary” do not appear anywhere on this magnet. Instead, they put their town name on the magnet in their school colors (also the school colors of the Middle School and the High School).

A magnet that said “McVey Elementary” would undoubtedly be very popular, and every parent with a student at the elementary school would want one. So you might sell 250 or so magnets.

But if you do what the McVey PTA did, and create a community themed magnet, you could sell 10 times as many. With the “East Meadow” magnet, every parent and student in all 3 schools will want one, plus residents of East Meadow without kids in school will want it just for civic pride.

It won’t be long until thousands of these cool “East Meadow” magnets are on cars everywhere in East Meadow, New York.

Put your town on the map, and your fundraiser into overdrive by selling a more generic “Community Themed” car magnet. Our design team will help you create your new magnet for free, so give us a call at 760-743-6340 today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Promote your business with a custom car magnet

Promotional Car Magnets

Advertising Magnets for Small Business

Promote your small business with a custom car magnet.

We’ve said it before, and we’re saying it again… small inexpensive car magnets in large quantities can provide much more advertising value than those large “car door” magnets. It’s a simple math problem, really.

You can spend $600 on 20 car door magnets at and get enough magnets to outfit 10 vehicles (1 magnet on each side of 10 vehicles), or you can spend $600 and get 300 of our promotional magnets that go on the back of 300 cars. Which do you think will provide more advertising value?

Considering that each car will be seen by hundreds of other cars every day, the answer to our math problem is quite obvious (why didn’t they have math problems like this when I was struggling in grade school?).

Ask yourself this question… is it more advantageous to have your advertising magnet on the front doors of your car, or on the back bumper? Think about your daily commute; how often are you stopped at an intersection, behind another car just staring at their back bumper? Dozens of times each day, right? How often are you sitting at an intersection staring out of your side window at the car next to you? Hardly ever.

How about when you are in moving traffic. Again, are you more likely to 1) focus on the car in front of you, or are you 2) staring at the car on your right that is moving in the same direction as you. If you answered #2 above then please don’t be on the road at the same time I am! Let’s bottom-line this… that magnet on the side of your work car is not going to be seen by moving traffic. It’s only going to be read if your car is stopped, perhaps when you’ve pulled to the side of the road to exchange insurance information with the guy that just side-swiped you while trying to read your magnet through is passenger side window.

Let’s get back to our math question… By giving 300 of your clients a less expensive magnet like the one shown above, instead of buying 20 large car door magnets for 10 cars, you will have 30 times more exposure. You now have 300 mobile billboards spreading your message. And if you consider the fact that a magnet on the side of a car is much less effective than a magnet on the back of a car, then that might increase to hundreds of times more exposure.

So, get more exposure when you are on the move and turn every drive into a promotional opportunity.


Fundraising Car Magnets

Lacrosse Team Fundraising Ideas

Custom Lacrosse Car Magnets

Fundraising Ideas for Lacrosse Teams

Lacrosse Team Fundraising with a custom car magnet…

Put your team on the map with a custom car magnet. There are hundreds of fundraisers out there but very few of them actually promote your team while you make money.

Almost all lacrosse teams need to run one or more fundraisers every year to bring in money for equipment, travel expenses, etc. The most common fundraisers are not only boring, but most people really do not want what you are selling. I mean fundraisers like “popcorn” sales, “cookie dough” sales, “magazine subscription” sales, and the like. After the sale, you might have raised a few dollars (and added several pounds of fat), but there is nothing residual.

Car magnets (customized for your team) are a unique item. Car magnets allow you to raise money for your team (sell them for $10 each and triple or quadruple your money), but after the sale you have hundreds of cars driving around broadcasting your team logo all over town. I guess you could make the argument that custom t-shirts do the same thing, but to achieve the same level of awareness that a car magnet provides, all of your fans will need to wear that t-shirt every day for the rest of their life. Sorry, not going to happen.

Long after that t-shirt has been used to wax the car (maybe two weeks after buying it), your custom car magnet will be broadcasting your team name and logo for all the world to see. Getting a custom car magnet is also a lot easier and less expensive than having t-shirts printed, thanks to the Virtual Magnet Request Form from ARC Marketing. Answer a few simple questions about your design (shape, colors, etc.) and one of your expert artists will whip out an awesome magnet design for you. You can get started by clicking here!

For more information about ARC Marketing and what a custom car magnet can do for your fundraising efforts, visit our website at