Fundraising Car Magnets

Political Campaign Car Magnets

Political Car Magnets

Promote your campaign with a custom car magnet

Political Campaign Car Magnets

Amazing. I just saw a bumper sticker that was promoting a candidate for President in the 2020 election cycle. Didn’t we just wrap up the mid-term election?

It seems that the political world in is a never-ending cycle of running for the next election, no matter how far off it is. Politicians get elected and immediately start fundraising for their next term. Maybe this is why they can’t get anything done while in office. They seem to think that their primary job is only to get re-elected. This leads me to conclude that they are not qualified for any other vocation; if they can’t be a U.S. Senator or U.S. Congressman/woman, then they’ll be waiting tables somewhere. Not very confidence inspiring, right?

Wow, did I just get way off-topic there? Sorry.

My point (I think) was to let you know that there was a better alternative to the typical bumper sticker; obviously a car magnet. And even though it’s too early to get excited about any particular candidate, it’s not too early to create a custom car magnet that shows your political beliefs. You can order as few as 50 custom magnets, and then you can give them to 50 of your most like-minded friends. Or, thinking bigger, you can create a magnet that appeals to a huge segment of Americans, and sell them on your website (don’t have a website? We can help with that. One of our sister companies creates custom websites).

Election cycles now are a never-ending loop; kind of like Groundhog Day. As a result, we have now become numb to an endless assault  of campaign slogans on our eyes and ears. We’re 2 years out from the next Presidential Election, and candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. I wouldn’t be surprised to see 20 or so Democratic Candidates entering the race, plus we might even see a Republican Primary Challenger or two running against President Trump.

As you can see from the magnet examples shown above, we make magnets mainly for local campaigns (mayor, councilmen, selectmen, judges, etc.). Promoting your favorite candidate on a car magnet makes perfect sense:

  • It’s inexpensive (you can get 50 custom magnets for about $200).
  • It’s effective (each magnet on a car will be seen by about 100 other drivers every day).
  • It broadcasts your message relentlessly (your magnet will be working 24/7)
  • And it makes your car look very cool!

So, if you want to get more involved in the political process, consider this a grass-roots entry. Let us design a campaign magnet for your favorite candidate or your favorite cause.

Want help getting this started? Give me a call at 760-743-6340 and we can chat about your idea. We’ll help you turn this into your 15 minutes of fame!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets

Start 2019 with a high-profit fundraiser.

We all procrastinate. I had intended to publish this blog post on January 2nd, but now it’s January 16th. So I’m two weeks late.

It’s not too late to start the new year off with a successful fundraiser, and selling custom designed car magnets is one of the easiest and highly profitable ways to do that.

What makes car magnets such an easy way to raise money? Well, first, our art department will handle your new custom design work (at no charge), so you know your going to get a cool looking magnet.

Once your custom car magnets are delivered, then selling them to parents is easy also. Once your parents start seeing these on cars all over town, they will sell themselves.

What groups can benefit from a car magnet fundraiser? It might be easier to list the groups that wouldn’t benefit. Here are a few of our more common clients:

  • Schools
  • PTA’s and PTO’s
  • Little League Baseball Teams and Leagues
  • Youth Football Teams and Leagues
  • Soccer Teams and Leagues
  • Humane Societies and Animal Shelters
  • Churches
  • Scouting
  • And so much more.

Your car magnets will cost about $2 each (less if you’re ordering a larger quantity), and most groups sell them for $5 to $10 each. It doesn’t take a math major to see the potential.

Here’s another advantage to car magnets… exposure. Imagine the impact of hundreds of cars in your town, driving around with your magnet. Most of those cars will be seen hundreds of other people every day. Overwhelming.

As I mentioned earlier, we’ll take care of everything, so getting started is easy.

Want more information? Get the low down on custom car magnets by visiting our website at

Want even more info? You can email me directly at or you can call me at 760-743-6340, and you’ll have your new magnets in about 2 weeks.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets

custom car magnets

Custom Car Magnets for Fundraising

There are many fundraising options available to you. Unfortunately, most of them are ineffective. Not only do these not raise enough money to justify themselves, they waste an enormous amount of time.

Think of the time and effort your team invests into a fundraiser like a car wash. How many hours are spent getting these set up, finding a location to host it, putting up signs, and then getting your team in place to do the hard work? And what’s the end result? A few hundred dollars and 10 poorly washed cars.

Let me offer an alternative; Custom Car Magnets. A well-designed custom magnet will practically sell itself. You just need to collect the money.

A fundraising car magnet does more than just earn money, it creates awareness. Imagine hundreds of cars, driving around town with your magnet. You can safely assume that each of those cars will be seen by at least 100 other cars every day. You do the math; it works!

Getting a custom car magnet design is simple if you’re working with ARC Marketing. We have a team of experienced designers and they are here to help. With a little input from you, our art department will create a design that will impress everyone.

Now, all that’s left is the timing. Production typically takes 2 weeks plus a few days for UPS delivery. Designing your magnet could take a few days in our art department, including any revisions that you’ll want to see. Add that all up and it will take about 3 weeks to receive your magnets after contacting us. What’s this mean? It means plan ahead!

Just give us a call at 760-7473-6340, or email me at can we’ll get busy!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets

Okay, now it’s October and you haven’t decided on all your fundraising projects for this school year. So it looks like you’re going to come up short on your fundraising goals.

Not so fast. Did you know that car magnets are one of the highest profit fundraisers available, and that if you get started right now, we can have custom magnets in your hands in 2 weeks? That’s just 14 days for a unique, on-of-a-kind promotional tool that will bring tons of attention to your school, plus make a 100% profit or more.

Some people are intimidated by anything custom, preferring the ease of using a generic, “me too” item to sell to parents as a fundraiser.

  • We invite those of you who are intimidated by JPEGS, GIFS, PNGS and Vectored art files.
  • We invite you to experience the ease of getting a customized, me-alone item to sell to parents.
  • We do not charge a single penny for a professional magnet design (or 10 designs, if that’s what you need).

And don’t think that it can’t be good if it’s free. We have some amazing designers. Most of us got our experience designing promotional items (like magnets) for all the Professional Sports Leagues and Major Colleges. We’re talking NFL, Major League Baseball, NBA, NHL and NCAA. You don’t get paid to do work for those guys if you aren’t the best in your industry.

Bottom Line: your procrastination doesn’t need to ruin this school year. Reach out to us ASAP and we’ll design a magnet that you, your school and all your students can be proud of. And we won’t tell anyone that you kept putting this off (our little secret)!

Want more info on our amazing car magnets? Visit our website at

Get started now. Give us a call at 760-743-6340.

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Fundraising Magnets

Okay, school has started, and your PTA or PTO still does not have all of their fundraising options lined up.

Well, there’s still time to run a successful custom car magnet promotion.

Combine our brilliant art department with our amazing production facility and we can have your new, custom magnets in your hands in about 2 weeks.

Car magnets are a year-round fundraiser, but it’s always best to start before the beginning of the school year. But with all the other things going on in your PTA or PTO, fundraisers tend to get put off. In fact, most of our customers call about this time a year and explain that they are late getting started. This is where we take over for you.

We will design your magnet at no charge, and we will use a professional human designer; not some automated do-it-yourself online template program that will leave you wondering how your magnets will look. We’ll print them on our state-of-the-art printing equipment, using the best magnetic material and the most durable UV resistant inks. We’ll package them with care and deliver them to your door via UPS. All you need to do is sit back and take all the credit!

Getting started couldn’t be easier. We just need a little info about your school (colors, mascot, wording on magnet, etc.), and we have a simple questionnaire that makes it simple.

Are you ready to get started? Click here to go to the “Design Questionnaire” and prepare to be amazed.  

Fundraising Car Magnets

Soccer Car Magnets for Fundraising

Soccer Magnets for Fundraising

Custom Soccer Car Magnets

Soccer Car Magnets for Fundraising

Yeah, we do that. We make fundraising car magnets for every conceivable sport, and youth soccer is at the top of the list.

I’m not sure of the official statistics, but soccer might just be the most participated youth sport in America (feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong!). But based on the orders we get from soccer clubs, they sure buy more magnets. Maybe the parents are just more engaged in soccer programs than the parents of other sports.

Full Disclosure… Youth Baseball is a very close second.

Car magnets achieve several goals, but the two most important are fundraising and awareness.

Fundraising: We have several Youth Soccer Leagues that buy 1,000 magnets each season, and they sell them for about $6 each. Since our fully customized car magnets only cost $1.10 each at that quantity, selling them for $6 each means a profit of $4,825.00 for the league. I don’t think any parent would say “no” when asked to show their support and buy a magnet. In fact, most families will buy a magnet for each car in their family. That’s almost $5,000 going into your General Fund to be used for equipment, travel, etc.

Awareness: OK, this one’s for the kids. Once that magnets shows up on hundreds of cars in town, your young soccer players are going to feel like rock-stars! They are going to get a major-league sense of accomplishment and the entire community will know who the local soccer league is, even if they don’t buy a magnet.

Here’s a warning… your kids are just as picky as you are, and they do not want a poorly designed magnet. I’m not sure who trains the magnet designers at some of the other car magnet companies, but just look at the magnets shown on their websites. “Childish” and “Cartoonish” are two thoughts that come to mind. Your young soccer stars have a more mature vision of their soccer league and want their magnets to look like something a professional soccer team would design. Our artists are the absolute best in this industry, and our designs speak for themselves.

Looking for more info? Just visit our website at and get all the car magnet knowledge you can handle.

Are you ready to start making money for your soccer team? Just give us a call at 760-743-6340 and we’ll do all of the design-work for free!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising for Youth Baseball and Softball

Baseball Softball car magnets

Baseball and Softball Fundraising

It’s February! That means that Major League Baseball will be emerging from hibernation soon. Pitchers and catchers will be reporting to Spring Training any day now and soon it will be Baseball Season. February also means it’s time to get serious about fundraising for your kids baseball and softball teams.

Your young sluggers and hurlers will also be reporting for Spring Training, and means that Youth Baseball and Youth Softball diamonds all across America will be ringing with the sound of baseballs colliding with aluminum bats.

Youth baseball and softball, just like almost every other youth sport, is very expensive. I don’t need to tell you how much this is going to cost, because you have probably already received the invoice. But the amount that your team or league asks each family to pay is not the entire amount. There are league and team fees that are paid for by all parents as a group.

To reduce these costs, most teams and leagues run fundraisers all season long (car washes, bake sales, etc.)

Here’s another idea for your fundraising… Custom baseball car magnets is a fundraiser that achieves three goals:

  • It raises a lot of money. You can double or triple your money very easily.
  • It creates a lot of advertising exposure for your team.
  • It makes your kids feel like SuperStars.

Do you need to be a graphic artist to design a car magnet? No, but it helps! This is why our art department (staffed by the best graphic artists in the industry) is here to design your magnet for free.

Just reach out to us and we’ll have your Youth Team looking like a Major League Team. To get started on your free magnet design, just give us a call at 760-743-6340. Or, click on this link (FREE MAGNET DESIGN), give us a little info about your team, and we’ll get busy on your new fundraising magnet.

Play Ball!



Fundraising Car Magnets

School Car Magnets for PTA’s and PTO’s

PTA and PTO car magnets

School car magnets for fundraising

PTA and PTO Fundraising

Welcome to 2018. Another year, another budget cut. Some things never change, right?

Well, if you are an officer with your school’s PTA or PTO, fundraising is a big part of your job. You can help your school fill that funding gap with a high profit fundraiser.

You have many choices when it comes to fundraisers. In fact, most PTA/PTO’s run several fundraisers during each school year, many of them at the same time.

Car magnets just might be the easiest and most profitable item you can sell as a fundraiser. You can easily double or triple the amount that you pay us to design and print your weather-proof magnets. And it couldn’t be easier… we’ll design your magnet for free, then we’ll print your magnets and ship them to your door.

To get a few design ideas for your new custom car magnet, just visit our “Custom Car Magnet Design Gallery” on our website. Once you have a basic idea of how you want your magnet to look, just request a Free Virtual Magnet (that’s what we call the digital image of your new magnet) by clicking here and answering a few questions about your design.

Boom! You’re done. In about a day, you’ll get an email from us with your design. If you want us to make changes, that’s easy! We’ll do all the heavy lifting. You just sit back and take all the credit! In fact, you’re going to look so good after this fundraiser that you could be inducted into the Fundraising Hall of Fame.

Here’s another idea… there’s a good chance that your kids are also involved in sports outside of the school. They are probably in the local soccer league, little league, youth football league, etc. We also make fundraising car magnets for all sports. These leagues need to run fundraisers just like your school does. Do them a favor and mention ARC Marketing to them. We’ll design their new magnet for free and then they can start raising money.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 760-743-6340 and be prepared to look like a fundraising rock-star.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets


Custom Car Magnets

Custom Car Magnets…

When you search for “custom car magnets”, Google returns more than 5 million results. Each company offering custom car magnets has a different definition of the word “custom”.

Quite a few of these companies, to reduce staff and payroll expenses have eliminated their art departments completely. They now have you design your own magnet using software that they have built into their website. I guess their philosophy is that over a year or so, the money that they saved by firing their artists will pay for the new software. The downside to that is their software is not ready for prime-time. It really doesn’t work well. When it does work, you get a choice of maybe a dozen fonts, and perhaps a few pieces of clip-art. The resulting finished magnet is anything but appealing.

At ARC Marketing, our definition of “custom car magnets” is different. When you first request a free magnet design from ARC Marketing, a living, breathing human will work on your magnet. We will choose an appropriate font from a selection of thousands. We will use your logo if possible so that this new custom magnet is truly custom; unique to your school or team.

That same artist will continue fine-tuning your design, working closely with you, until you have a design that you love. You want your new car magnet to be something you will be proud of, not something spit out by a computer program and from a company without a design-staff.

Honestly, go to one of those websites and try designing a magnet. Your 4-year-old can do better with a sheet of construction paper and a box of crayons.

Here’s our advice, leave the magnet design to the experts at ARC Marketing. You have better things to do than stress out over how to center your text, and change the color of some random piece of clip art while trying to navigate a poorly designed graphics program.

Here’s the best part; all artwork is free at ARC Marketing. We don’t charge you anything for the first rendering, the next revision or the next dozen revisions. It’s all free, and you also have no obligation to buy our magnets even after we’ve invested hours in your project.

Want to get started on your new car magnet right now. All our artist needs is a little info about what you have in mind (colors, shapes, logos, etc.) and you can give your artist all of this info by filling out a simple form that we call at “Virtual Magnet Request”.

This is where the fun begins. After submitting the form, one of our artists will create your initial design. More than likely, this first design will be perfect, and you’ll want to go with that. But if it’s not perfect, you just let us know what to change and we’ll take care of that too.

Let’s get started! Click here to meet your artist!