Fundraising Car Magnets

Church Magnets

Church Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for your Church

Promote your church with a church magnet

Are you looking for a fun, effective way to promote your church? A custom car magnet could be just the way to do this.

Combine your creative genius with our talented art department and I guarantee that together we will come up with a design that will impress your congregation and attract new members to your flock.

We design and print custom magnets for about 100 different churches every year. You can see a few examples by visiting the “Church Magnet” page of our Custom Car Magnet Gallery.

While some churches use their own logo, many have us design a logo for them to use on their magnets. Usually the wording on the magnet only mentions the church name and their hometown, but quite a few use the magnet for a higher purpose such as promoting an outreach program or to promote their preschool.

Imagine the impact of having this magnet on the car of every member. There would be hundreds of cars driving all over your town, promoting your church. Then picture hundreds of cars in your parking lot on Sunday morning, each of them with your car magnet; wouldn’t that be a beautiful sight!?

Making your church famous is just one of the ways a church magnet can help. Did you know that custom car magnets also make a fantastic fundraiser? For instance, you can have us design a beautiful custom Christmas magnet with your church name and you can sell them to all your members. Let’s assume you buy 250 custom magnets at $1.90 each. With shipping, these will cost you $1.98 each, so let’s just round up to $2 per magnet to make the math easier. Then you sell the magnets to your members (and other like-minded neighbors) for $5 each. So, for $5, your members are going to get a gorgeous one-of-a-kind Christmas magnet to put on their car throughout the Holiday Season. And you are going to get a $750 fundraising windfall to help you with the other programs at your church.

This is a classical example of a win-win situation.

How about if I told you that our art department (the best in the car magnet industry) would design your new custom magnet for FREE! It’s true… we do not charge anything to design your new magnet.

Let’s get started now! Just give us a call at 760-743-6340 or email me at and we’ll get busy. You can also visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Basketball Car Magnets

Basketball Magnets

It’s almost November. That means it’s almost basketball season.

We make basketball magnets for college teams, high school teams, AAU teams…you name it, we’ve made them.

Our two most common basketball clients are High School Teams and AAU teams. Youth Basketball is not as fragmented as youth baseball or youth football. Both baseball and football have multiple national organization. For example, in baseball, you have Little League, Pony League, Cal Ripken League, Babe Ruth League and more.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to raise money for your team and to make them famous. Did you know that every car with your magnet will be seen by at least 100 other people every day? And that goes on forever!

Now that the NBA season has started, it’s time for you to get your basketball team’s fundraising moving down the court. Just like every other youth sport, youth basketball is an expensive endeavor. Have you priced basketball shoes?! How about a league approved basketball? Talk about expensive.

Your team or league has their own expenses, and those tend to become “shared expenses”, paid for by all the parents. It’s these expenses that are easily covered by fundraisers. And as far as fundraisers go, none are as profitable or easy to manage as a custom car magnet fundraiser.

And by “easy”, I mean EASY! You just need to make one phone call (or send one email) and our team will get busy helping your team. Within a day, our art department will come up with the initial magnet design. You might love this first design so much that we can begin production immediately. If you want to see changes made to your design, our art department will handle that too. Once you have the design you want, just let us know how many you want. In two weeks, your custom magnets will be delivered to your door. Stick on your car and then just wait for the other parents to ask for one.

It really is that easy! Let us prove it to you.

Call me at 760-743-6340 or email me at and let’s get this partnership started!

Fundraising Car Magnets

School Magnets

School Magnets

Fundraising is a Year-Round Job!

I know, school started more than a month ago, and you had spent the month before that getting all of your fundraising projects in order. So now, you can just sit back and relax, right?

Wrong! You can never quit fundraising. In the old days, your PTA/PTO was little more than a way for parents to stay involved with the school and your teachers. Your big fundraiser (if you even held a fundraiser), was a cupcake sale. Well, the 80’s aren’t coming back. It’s 2019 and fundraising is an on-going 12-month cycle of ways to raise money for your school. Your PTA/PTO has become a critical source of “gap funding” for your school. You supply extra money for everything from school supplies to playground equipment.

You already conduct enough labor intensive high-maintenance fundraisers (car washes, social nights, etc.). To make your life just a little easier, you also need a couple of fundraisers that are “set and forget”. You know, the fundraisers that run themselves.

Well, custom school magnets are exactly that. ARC Marketing will do all the heavy lifting. We’ll design your school magnet for free. We’ll print them and ship them to your school. All you need to do is slap one on your car, let the other parents know that they’re for sale, and collect the money.

But will the parents want school magnets for their car? Absolutely! When properly designed (we have the most talented art department in the school magnet industry), this magnet will look classy on any car. Plus, your parents love to brag about their kids and their school. The design of your school magnet is one of the most important parts of this fundraiser and we have that covered. The other important part is the quality of the magnet. We make the most durable car magnet in America, and our magnets will not fade or fall apart. Guaranteed.

So let us help. Give us a call or shoot us an email, and we’ll turn our art department loose and create a car magnet that you can be proud of. You can call us at 760-743-6340, or you can email me directly at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Choosing the right Car Magnet Company

I just Googled the search phrase “car magnets”, and I received 116 million results! A lot of those are for “car door magnets”, and those are intended for advertising your small business (contractors, realtors, etc.).

Google “fundraising car magnets” or “school car magnets” and you begin to find the companies that you will want to reach out to. “Fundraising car magnets” returned 548 Thousand results and “School car magnets” returned 57 million results. Not sure about you, but I don’t have time to go through every one of those to pick the best company.

Google will help…

To thin the herd, Google makes it a little easier. Google ranks all searches by relevance, company history, and other factors. So, not going too deep (only search the few top pages) should show you the companies who have been around the longest and have a positive reputation. Personally, I never click on the “sponsored listings”. These are the ones that have the small square with the word “Ad” in the heading. These companies have done nothing to earn this placement; they merely paid a lot of money to Google to get this listing at the top of the page. I could open a new company today and have my listing at the top of Page 1 tomorrow by doing this. Then I could go out of business in a week and never return any money for product that is unproven. So, avoid the “sponsored ads”.

Now that you’ve brought those 57 million listings down to 30 or less (only the first 3 pages), you can begin looking at their websites. There are a few (very few) companies like ARC Marketing that offer a full-service art department to help with you design your magnet for free (with a real live human working with you). Most have a computer-generated on-line design-tool that might work if you are happy using the same clip art and templates that they offer to everyone.

Okay, so now we know that there a lot of companies out there offering “car magnets”. With so many choices, how do you choose a company that won’t let you down? How can you tell a high-quality car magnet from a low quality car magnet?

Let’s “Bottom Line” this… is the least expensive car magnet the car magnet that you want for your fundraiser? Companies that advertise “Cheap Car Magnets” are not just talking about their price, they are also talking about their quality.

Saving 10 cents or 20 cents on your fundraising car magnets is going to make you look like a hero… for about 2 months! After that, those less expensive magnets begin to fade and fall apart. You see those cheap magnets on cars everywhere… only you can’t read what they say! Are you ready to start refunding money to the people who bought your magnet and now are complaining that it has fallen apart?

ARC Marketing makes the best car magnets in America, and we guarantee that they will not fade or fall apart. Request a sample magnet from us and compare it to any other car magnet. The difference is obvious. Don’t ruin your fundraiser by using the cheapest magnets you can find!

Are you ready to start making money for your group? Then give me a call at 760-743-6340 or email me at immediately!!!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Back to School Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets

Wow, is it August already? Just a few more weeks until school starts and your PTA/PTO still hasn’t scheduled all of their fundraisers?

Well, here’s some good news… one of the most effective and profitable fundraisers is also one of the easiest to conduct. I’m talking about custom car magnets for your school, of course.

If you can contact us ASAP, we will assign an artist to your project immediately. Then we’ll email you the magnet design for you to approve. Once approved, we will move your project to the production phase where we will do our best to get these turned around in about a week. Then we’ll ship them to your school or home. After that, it’s just a matter of letting all of the parent’s know that they’re available to purchase.

School Car Magnets are a unique promotional item. Very few people don’t want one. After all, their kids go to your school; there is a sense of “school pride” that carries over from the students to their parents. They are easily removed, unlike the old “bumper stickers” that they have replaced over the years.

Another great selling point is the price; they are not expensive. In fact, they might just be the least expensive item in your spirit-wear inventory. Selling these in the $5 to $10 range will keep them affordable and can easily make you thousands of dollars.

So, let’s move fast and get these to you ASAP. The two easiest ways to contact me is by phone or by email. You can call me on my direct line at 760-743-6340. Or you can email me at

Plus, you can visit our website at

Either way, let’s get this done!

Fundraising Car Magnets

PTA/PTO Back To School Magnets

Custom car magnets for your school
School car magnets

Hey, it’s July and your new PTA/PTO Board will soon be having their first meeting.

The first get-together is going to be the meeting with the greatest attendance. So it makes sense to have your “merchandise” fundraiser available to sell at this first meeting. If you’re like many of the progressive, forward thinking schools, you have already bought car magnets from ARC Marketing and you will probably sell out at this first meeting.

If your school is forward thinking and progressive and you still haven’t had our Art Department start working on your magnet design, there is probably still time! Our team of expert designers can usually get your initial design done in a day or two, and then still have time for the revisions that you will ask for.

Production time usually takes about 2 weeks, plus a few days for UPS delivery. Therefore, even with all your procrastinating, you can still probably have your custom car magnets before the first day of school.

Why is the first meeting and the first day of school so important to your fundraiser? This is the time when most parents are engaged in school activities. Enthusiasm starts to dwindle after the first week or so, and you want to catch these parents while they’re still caught up in the “Back to School” hysteria. Having your magnets available on the first day means you’ll probably sell them all and need to call me to reorder (so we both win!).

So, it’s important that you give me a call. If I knew how to reach you, I would (it is that important). But I don’t know how to reach you, so I’ll just wait by the phone until you call. Just in case you’ve lost my number, it’s 760-743-6340. Are you more of an email type of person? Then you can email at

Let’s bottom-line this… these cool custom-designed car magnets will make a lot of money for your PTA/PTO and they will make your parents feel important because the world will know that they support your school. Make them happy with a cool custom car magnet.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Fundraising Car Magnets for Your School


Custom Car Magnets for School Fundraising
Car Magnets for Your School

Want to make a difference? Your PTA or PTO needs to run several fundraisers each year in order to meet the monetary goals that you set for yourself.

There seem to be an endless number of fundraising opportunities out there, and you are limited only by your finite time frame. You still have time to run 5 to 10 fundraisers during the school year.

A lot of planning goes into choosing which fundraisers you conduct, and when. The new PTA/PTO Board is usually elected in May or June and takes over in late June or July. When you consider that classes start in August (early August in many schools), you only have about a month to get your act together and schedule all those fundraisers.

The downside is that most of those fundraisers take a lot of labor and a lot of coordination. Take, for example, “car washes”. Coordinating a car wash takes as much effort as the car wash itself (and that’s a lot of work).

On the other hand, a successful “merchandise” fundraiser can pretty much run itself. With ARC Marketing, getting your custom car magnets designed, printed and delivered to your door is easy (we’ll do all the work). Then you just wait for the parents to come to your PTA/PTO and say they want 2 or 3 magnets for the cars in their family. Ka-ching!

Not only are they easier, car magnet fundraisers are more profitable. Selling a few hundred magnets is easy, and will make more money than 1 or 2 car washes. Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t hold a car wash or two. If you have the man-power to pull that off you should do both. In fact, you will probably hold a dozen different fundraisers during the school year and car magnets should be part of your marketing mix.

Did I mention that our art department will design your car magnet for free? Well, we will. And I mean absolutely free; we never charge for artwork.

Ready to get started? Visit our website at and click on the “Design Your Magnet” button. Then just give us a little info about your school and we’ll take it from there.

Fundraising Car Magnets

Why Football Car Magnets from ARC Marketing Are the Ultimate Fundraising Solution

Why Football Car Magnets from ARC Marketing Are the Ultimate Fundraising Solution

Football season will soon be here, andthere’s no better way to rally support than with custom football car magnets. These eye-catching magnets not only boost team spirit but also serve as an effective fundraising car magnet for your team. At ARC Marketing, we offer top-quality magnets that help you raise funds while showcasing your team pride.

Fundraising can be a challenge, but a car magnet fundraiser simplifies the process. Instead of selling overpriced products or organizing complicated events, you can sell custom sports car magnets that people actually want. Unlike other companies where you’re stuck using an automated “do it yourself” design tool, ARC Marketing provides a full-service art department to create the perfect magnet for your team. Our talented and creative design team works closely with you to craft a magnet that truly represents your team’s spirit.

The Benefits of a Full-Service Art Department

One of the biggest advantages of choosing ARC Marketing is our commitment to quality and service. We understand that not everyone has the time or skills to design a magnet from scratch. That’s why our professional designers handle the artwork for you—completely free of charge. While other companies offer automated design tools, they often result in generic and less impactful designs. Our team ensures that your magnet is unique and stands out from the crowd.

With our full-service art department, you get personalized attention and a unique design tailored to your needs. Our designers have years of experience creating fundraising car magnets that grab attention and boost sales. They understand the nuances of color, typography, and imagery that make a magnet not just good, but great. Plus, with unlimited revisions, we work with you until you’re completely satisfied with the final product.

Furthermore, our process is designed to be stress-free and efficient. All you need to do is provide us with your team’s logo, mascot, or any ideas you have, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our designers will create a custom magnet design and send you a proof for approval. This hands-on approach sets us apart from companies that make you do all the work. With ARC Marketing, you save time and get a professional-quality product that reflects your team’s identity.

Why Settle for Less?

Automated design tools might seem convenient at first, but they often come with limitations. You’re confined to preset templates and designs, which can make your magnet look like everyone else’s. This can hinder your fundraising efforts because people are less likely to purchase something that doesn’t stand out. With ARC Marketing’s full-service design team, your football car magnets will be unique and eye-catching.

Moreover, we never charge for artwork. Other companies might add fees for design services or limit the number of revisions you can make. At ARC Marketing, we believe in providing value to our customers. Our goal is to help you maximize your fundraising potential without unnecessary costs. This means more funds go directly to your team.

High-Quality Products That Last

Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop at design. We use durable materials for our sports car magnets, ensuring they withstand various weather conditions. This means your supporters can proudly display their magnets year-round without worrying about fading or peeling. A high-quality product not only satisfies your customers but also enhances your team’s image in the community.

In addition to football car magnets, we offer a wide range of options. Whether you’re involved in soccer, basketball, baseball, or any other sport, we can create the perfect magnet for your team. Our experience with various sports car magnets allows us to understand the unique aspects of each sport and incorporate them into your design. No matter the sport, our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction remains the same.

Simple and Convenient Ordering Process

Getting started with ARC Marketing is straightforward. Visit our website to fill out the Virtual Magnet Request form. This gives us all the information we need to begin designing your custom magnet. You can also browse our gallery to see examples of our work and get inspiration for your own design. If you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly customer service team is just a phone call away at 760-743-6340.

Make This Season a Success

Fundraising doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With ARC Marketing’s football car magnets, you have a proven tool to raise funds effectively. Our full-service art department ensures your magnets are uniquely designed to represent your team, and our commitment to quality guarantees a product that your supporters will be proud to display.

Don’t settle for generic designs or do-it-yourself tools that leave you frustrated. Choose ARC Marketing for your car magnet fundraiser and experience the difference that a talented and creative design team can make. Contact us today to get started and make this football season the most successful one yet!

Ready to boost your team’s fundraising efforts? Visit our Football Car Magnets page to start designing your custom magnet today!

Fundraising Car Magnets

Soccer Magnets for Fundraising

Fundraising Soccer League car magnets

Soccer Car Magnets

We make a lot of soccer magnets… a lot! This past year, we made more magnets for youth soccer clubs than we made youth football car magnets. That’s the first time that has happened.

Soccer season is long. In professional soccer it stretches out for 10 months. That’s longer than professional basketball and professional hockey, which never seems to end.

Youth soccer has a similar season. In fact, some teams and leagues squeeze two seasons into each year (a spring season and a fall season).

Soccer might also be the most participated in youth sport. I’m pretty sure that there are more soccer players than football players in the U.S.

Soccer might not be as expensive for a parent as some of the other team sports. Football, baseball and hockey all need a ton of expensive equipment, and you need to buy those every year (because your young stars are growing like weeds).

But that doesn’t mean that soccer is cheap. Even though there is less equipment to buy, what equipment is needed is not inexpensive. Add league fees and other ancillary items and you’re still looking at a blow to your budget. Soccer Camp? Get ready to cough up another few hundred.

This is where fundraising comes in. Most leagues have a fundraising leader and that person’s job is to find ways to raise extra money. Usually, this extra money is used to offset what each parent needs to pay (your league fees would be even higher without these fundraising efforts).

Most leagues run several fundraisers throughout the season. Most are very labor intensive (car washes, bake sales, etc.) and might make a hundred dollars or so for all your effort. But there is one fundraiser that needs very little labor to pull off, plus it can make hundreds of dollars very easily. Of course, I’m talking about a custom car magnet fundraiser for your team or league.

With the proper design, these magnets will practically sell themselves. Speaking of the design, the art department at ARC Marketing is going to do all the heavy lifting for you at no charge. We’ll design and print a killer magnet for your league that everyone will want. You just need to sit back and sell magnets. Easy.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 760-743-6340 or visit our website at

Fundraising Car Magnets

Swim Team Car Magnets


Swimming and Diving car magnets

Raise money for your swim team with a custom car magnet

Car Magnets for Diving and Swimming Teams

Competitive Swimming. Now this is a sport that you can grow old with. Like golf and cycling, swimming is a sport that you can do for the rest of your life.

Unlike “Impact” sports like running, football and tennis (which can wear out your knees, ankles and elbows) swimming puts little pressure on your joints and muscles. In fact, after 50 laps in your 25-meter pool, you are going to be stretched out and relaxed, ready for your work week. Try running 5 miles on pavement and all that most of are ready for is a visit to our Orthopedic Specialist.

I can’t find any hard statistics on this, but I think that the average age of most recreational swim teams is in the 30’s. My wife’s swim team has a few teens on it, and few swimmers in their 20’s. But the core of the swim team is a bunch of people in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. They even have two swimmers in their 70’s! It’s a sport that you never outgrow.

Like most other team sports, swimming teams need money to operate. They need to buy equipment (timing clocks, pool land dividers). They need to rent the pool (usually) in order to keep the little kids out during practice and meets. They need to buy swim jackets and team logo’d swim caps, etc.

Swim Teams might not be as expensive as youth football or baseball, but money does need to be raised.

Of course, I’m going to offer up custom car magnets as an excellent way to increase your fundraising potential. I’ll bet there isn’t one member of your team that wouldn’t pay $10 for a custom car magnet with your team’s logo on it. They would put that on their car in 20 seconds.

Our amazing team of designers will work with you to create the perfect fundraising car magnet for your swim team. We will use your team colors, your team logo or mascot and your team name to make a magnet that your team will be proud of.

Give us a call at 760-743-6340 and let’s get this started. With our help, it will be easier than a kick turn.