Entries by Russ

The Superior Choice for Fundraising Car Magnets: Human Creativity vs. Automated Solutions

The Superior Choice for Fundraising Car Magnets: Human Creativity vs. Automated Solutions Humans vs. Robots: Sounds like a bad science fiction movie, right? Actually, it’s a decision that you need to make when choosing a company to design and print your fundraising car magnets. However, it’s a crucial decision that can significantly impact your campaign’s […]

Lacrosse Car Magnets

We print fundraising car magnets for almost every sport imaginable, and each sport has its own “magnet season”. Late winter and early spring is obviously the time we get most of our baseball, softball and Little League magnet projects. The other sport that orders the most in the late winter is Lacrosse. This time of […]

Car Magnets for Little League Baseball Fundraising

Okay, so it’s February. You know what that means, right? It means that it’s time to start preparing for this year’s baseball season! And if you’re involved with your team or league’s fundraising, car magnets should be at the top of your “to do” list. Car magnets serve many purposes, but the two main purposes […]

Soccer Car Magnets

Put your team on the map! We make fundraising car magnets for every conceivable team sport, and soccer is one of the most popular. Soccer teams and soccer leagues face the same fundraising hurdles faced by every youth sport. Without fundraising, the parents would need to pay even more in league fees and the other […]

Fundraising Car Magnets for your School

Okay, it’s the middle of August, and your PTA/PTO still hasn’t finished their fundraising. Well, today could be the day that you can finally say “We’re Done!”. The car magnet experts at ARC Marketing can design, print and deliver your new custom magnets in about 2 weeks. That means in about 14 days, your parents […]

Basketball Car Magnets

It’s hard to believe, but the 2019 – 2020 NBA Rookie of the Year will be playing for a high school team this year. Before he played for his high school team, he probably played for a local rec league or in a local AAU Basketball League. Right now, he’s probably in his drive way […]

PTA and PTO Fundraising Magnets

Welcome to the 2016 – 2017 PTA and PTO Board Members Summer is here and the kids get the next few months off… but not the new PTA and PTO Board Members. You guys are hard at work preparing for the new school year. Among the many jobs you have in front of you is […]

Youth Football Fundraising

It’s June, and that means football season is not too far away! Registration has already begun (with some leagues, it’s already finished) and soon your young football stars will be strapping on the pads, tightening their chin-straps and getting ready to rumble. All youth sports are expensive, and youth football is among the most expensive. […]

PTA and PTO Fundraising Ideas

Google “PTA and PTO Fundraising Ideas” and you get the usual suggestions… car washes, selling chocolate bars, selling magazine subscriptions, etc. All of these ideas, and more, should be part of your fundraising efforts. Branded merchandise sales (customized with your full color school mascot) are also a great source of revenue. Some examples of branded […]

Custom Car Magnets for your Church

Your church is not the same as the other church down the street. Nor is it the same as any  of the other churches in your town. Sure, there are similarities, but your church is different. You have a different outlook on a variety of subjects. You have an outreach program that is designed to […]