Entries by Russ

Choose the Right Fundraising Magnet

  Why Fundraising Car Magnets Are So Popular Fundraising car magnets have become a popular way to raise money for schools, little league teams, football teams, churches, and many other groups. Because they are removable—unlike those permanent old-fashioned bumper stickers—people are happy to place them on their cars. Whether it’s a brand new 2023 Cadillac […]

Easy Fundraising for your PTO or PTA

Wow! We’re almost to the end of another year, and hopefully this has been a successful fundraising year for your PTA or PTO. PTA’s and PTO’s exist to create a bridge between parents and their schools, but one of your most important jobs is FUNDRAISING! That’s in capital letters for a reason… it’s IMPORTANT! How […]

High School Magnets

Designing school magnets can be a time consuming process. Before beginning, our designers consider several factors that will affect the final design. One of those factors is the type of school; preschool, elementary, middle or high school. For instance, when a preschool wants a custom design, we tend to use simple artwork and the primary […]

School Magnets for Fundraising

So, you’ve decided that a custom school magnet will give a boost to your annual fundraising. Well, you are 100% correct. In fact, school magnets will probably prove to be the easiest, highest profit fundraiser that you conduct all year. ARC Marketing has designed and printed custom magnets for thousands of schools over the years, […]

Swim Team Car Magnets

Swim Team Car Magnets Competitive Swimming. Now this is a sport that you can grow old with. Like golf and cycling, swimming is a sport that you can do for the rest of your life. Unlike “Impact” sports like running, football and tennis (which can wear out your knees, ankles and elbows) swimming puts little […]

Church Magnets

Promote your church with a church magnet Are you looking for a fun, effective way to promote your church? A custom car magnet could be just the way to do this. Combine your creative genius with our talented art department and I guarantee that together we will come up with a design that will impress […]

Basketball Car Magnets

It’s almost November. That means it’s almost basketball season. We make basketball magnets for college teams, high school teams, AAU teams…you name it, we’ve made them. Our two most common basketball clients are High School Teams and AAU teams. Youth Basketball is not as fragmented as youth baseball or youth football. Both baseball and football […]

School Magnets

Fundraising is a Year-Round Job! I know, school started more than a month ago, and you had spent the month before that getting all of your fundraising projects in order. So now, you can just sit back and relax, right? Wrong! You can never quit fundraising. In the old days, your PTA/PTO was little more […]

Choosing the right Car Magnet Company

I just Googled the search phrase “car magnets”, and I received 116 million results! A lot of those are for “car door magnets”, and those are intended for advertising your small business (contractors, realtors, etc.). Google “fundraising car magnets” or “school car magnets” and you begin to find the companies that you will want to […]

Back to School Car Magnets

Wow, is it August already? Just a few more weeks until school starts and your PTA/PTO still hasn’t scheduled all of their fundraisers? Well, here’s some good news… one of the most effective and profitable fundraisers is also one of the easiest to conduct. I’m talking about custom car magnets for your school, of course. […]